Episode 107
55 mins
Alex Haley - Ethics, Intentionality and the business of Yoga
Alex Haley is a meditation teacher and co-founder of Offering Tree. Offering Tree is an all in one package for yoga teachers and small business owners combining a website, booking system, email marketing and basically everything you need to get started running your own business.
When Offering Tree reached out to us to become ambassadors, we took a deep dive into how their site worked and their values as a company. We were impressed!
We wanted to talk to Alex here on the podcast, especially at this time of change and challenge within the yoga industry and world in general. Offering tree ended up being a fairly small part of this conversation, as we delved into topics around ethics, intentionality and a lot of the questions that have been on our minds lately. It’s a really great conversation!
Offering Tree: https://offeringtree.com/flowartists
Rhonda Magee - https://www.rhondavmagee.com/
Tuere Sala (episode from 10% happier) - https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/ten-percent-happier-with-dan-h-29179/episodes/the-opposite-of-schadenfreude-76904262
Ven Analayo - https://www.buddhismuskunde.uni-hamburg.de/en/personen/analayo.html
Phillip Moffitt - https://dharmawisdom.org/