Episode 99
59 mins
Beata Heyman - Circle of Breath, Circle of Life
In our latest episode, we speak with Beata Heyman.
Beata is a yoga teacher, a yoga teacher trainer, and the creator of Breath Circle. Breath Circle is a health and wellbeing organisation, teaching mindful breathing in schools to support emotional regulation and mental health in young people. They work directly with schools to empower students and teachers to use mindful breathing as a tool for self-regulating emotions and building resilience.
Beata is doing amazing work teaching breathwork to children, teenagers, and their teachers so we were excited to get the chance to speak with her. Trigger warning: Beata’s story does involve a very intense memory of family violence, and the mental health of a family member.
Her healing from this time really informs a lot of the work she does today, and we are honored that our guests trust us to hold space for this kind of sharing.
Breath Circle: http://www.beataheymann.com/breath-circle
Breath Circle on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/breathcircle/
Embodied Yoga Summit: https://learn.theembodylab.com/a/46268/AfQ2FeF9
Amazing Aerial Intro Pass: https://gardenofyoga.com.au/pass-purchase/amazing-aerial-intro
Lifeline: https://www.lifeline.org.au/
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