Episode 95
61 mins
Chara & Maria - Living & Loving Life
Chara Caruthers is a yoga teacher, certified yoga therapist and the author of the book “Eat like you love yourself: a guide to ayurvedic cooking and living”. Maria Kirsten is a yoga teacher, specialised teacher trainer and is the creator of Yoga for Grownups. Together they host the podcast "Live Like You Love Yourself", a podcast where they have conversations and interviews dedicated to uncovering what it takes to “grow up” in a way that feels balanced, authentic, graceful and juicy!
We had a great conversation on their podcast last week (Link Below), and we are excited to get to know Maria and Chara a little better in this episode!
We begin this conversation discussing the inspiration behind their podcast and their life philosophies. We explore how they have both navigated COVID-19, and the lessons it has taught them. We also discuss Maria's recent cancer diagnosis and the impact that has had on her life.
Maria and Chara both have so much wisdom and humour to share, We know you'll enjoy listening to this one!
Live Like You Love Yourself Podcast: https://www.blissbodyandsoul.com/podcast/#EP29
Chara's Website: https://www.blissbodyandsoul.com/
Chara's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/blissbodyandsoul/
Maria's Website: https://www.yogaforgrownups.com/
Maria's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yogaforgrownups/
This episode is sponsored by Yoga Australia:
The opinions expressed in this podcast do not reflect the view and opinions of the sponsor.
Click on a timecode to play from that time in the recording.
2:48 How did Chara and Maria meet?5:40 How did the podcast start?
6:35 What do they each bring to the table for their podcast?
10:45 What lead them to the “Live like you love yourself” concept?
13:09 What does living like you love yourself look like?
17:08 What’s a living like you love yourself moment you have had lately?
22:14 Living as a character in her community.
29:20 What has lockdown/COVID taught Maria and Chara?
32:34 Support us on Patreon
33:24 Living with cancer.
41:15 On Rane’s sharing about having cancer
46:04 Did Maria feel like she had the lifestyle elements of life in place?
51:07 The importance of community.
52:19 Have there been any other practices that have helped support the two of them this year?
57:00 What is the core lessons each of them would like to share with the world?
1:00:46 Next week’s episode - Julie Clark