Helly Hoops - Activism, Hooping and Self Worth

Episode 6

87 mins

Helly Hoops - Activism, Hooping and Self Worth

October 22, 2017

This week we are shifting slightly from the yogic realm, and speaking with the multi-talented Helly Hoops! Helly is one of Jo's personal hula hooping heros, not just for her technical prowess, but also her thoughtful online presence and her ability bring a sense of narrative and social commentary into her performances and videos - which is no small feat when you are spinning a plastic circle.

We learn about Helly's background in art and activism. How she discovered hooping and how she has grown as a performer, and developed a deeper understanding of herself.

We also talk about social media, how it can trigger insecurities and devastating self doubt even in the midst of great success, and how she has learned to navigate this.

Helly also fills us in on her upcoming Performers without Borders tour in Nicaragua.

Helly's website - https://www.hellyhoops.com/
Help send Helly to Nicaragua - https://www.gofundme.com/rfeb7q-send-helly-to-nicaragua
Helly Hoops' stunning video 'Magic' - https://www.facebook.com/hellyhoops/videos/624901751053463/

A fantastic video that show's Helly's activism in performance: 'Ode to the Federal Budget' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejbNTnHNzXU

Picks of the week:

Erik Davis's Techgnosis - http://techgnosis.com/

Artist, Designer and Author Justina Blakeney's website The Jungalow - https://www.jungalow.com/

The Secret's to Money App - https://www.thesecret.tv/products/the-secret-to-money-app/

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