Episode 125
45 mins
Jo & Rane - Over 5 years, now what?
Join Rane and Jo for another conversation with the latest updates from the Flow Artists podcast. It's been over 5 years since we started the podcast, so we thought it was time for a Rane and Jo episode!
We answer questions from some friends of the podcast, including Donna Noble, Laura Wilson-McGinn, Beata Heyman, Jeanette Coleman, Nicole Blythe, Christa Fairbrother and Dr Kate Riegel Van West.
We also share our upcoming 10 year celebrations at Garden of Yoga, and have some updates from past guests!
Stay tuned to the end for an important kitty update.
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Garden of Yoga - Celebrating 10 years in Northcote: https://gardenofyoga.com.au/workshops/celebrating-10-years-in-northcote/
Article on TGA approving psychedelic treatments
The New Rulebook by Chris Cheers: https://www.chrischeers.com/resources/the-new-rulebook
Friends for Good Fundraiser: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/chair-yoga-and-mindfulness-tickets-545684004547
Help Supergrans support their community affected by the Cyclones in New Zealand: https://www.supergransaotearoa.org.nz/
use our link https://www.offeringtree.com/flowartists to get one month free or 15% off an annual plan