Episode 26
98 mins
Lucy Karnani - Conscious Communication
Lucy has been a yoga teacher for many years, having studied at the Kripalu Center in Massachusetts, USA, and has trained with many yoga luminaries such as Michael de Manincor, Indira and A.G. Mohan; Amy Weintraub, Leslie Kaminoff and Richard Miller.
As we will hear in this episode, she has had many interesting occupations over her life, including teaching scuba diving, managing sales teams for radio stations and eventually becoming the CEO of Rogen, North America, a global training and consulting firm specializing in face-to-face communication.
You may have noticed a constant theme in her line of work, it is that of communication - the subject of this episode.
Lucy and her co-writer Jill Danks have recently released their book “CONNECTING Conscious Communication for Yoga Teachers and Therapists”.
It's a fantastic book which we believe will be an invaluable resource for Yoga Teachers and Yoga Therapists. In fact, Kaye Tribe, who we interviewed in our last episode as said that she will be making this book a prescribed reading in her course at the Academy of Yoga and Mindbody Education.
We have a copy of the book 'Connecting' to giveaway to one lucky listener! To find out more, visit https://podcast.flowartists.com/connecting-book-giveaway/
Yoga Communication: https://www.yogacommunication.org/
Yoga Communication on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yoga_communication/
Picks of The Week:
Jo – Wild Japan on Netflix
Rane – J Brown Podcast – Tara Stiles - https://www.jbrownyoga.com/yoga-talks-podcast/2018/4/tara-stiles
Lucy – Brene Brown – Braving the Wilderness - https://amzn.to/2xYTSlN
On Being Podcast - https://onbeing.org/
Click on a timecode to play from that time in the recording.
3:27 Lucy tells us about growing up in Melbourne.6:13 Communication as a scuba diving instructor
10:50 How can you be sure that a student has understood the full intent of your instruction?
12:07 Offering in a way that is confident
14:10 CEO of Rogen International
16:20 When did you discover yoga as a practitioner?
19:17 Laughing Club
20:35 I became quite unwell
21:11 “I got to the point where I wasn’t sick anymore”
21:52 90 days of pranayama
22:31 Studying to become a yoga teacher at Kripalu
24:00 Practicing teaching with friends/ How I fell in love with teaching yoga
25:25 Film yourself teaching, then practice along to it.
29:02 The story of the book.
33:42 “You talk, I’ll write”
35:17 The manuscript was very long “And so, we cut it in half”
37:14 The collaborative process - “You have to take your ego out of the room”
38:12 Self compassion has to be a big part of this practice
39:16 Were there different strategies to address different communicators and personality types?
40:40 The refining the definition of effective communication
45:10 “This should be a required reading for all teachers in training”
47:09 Experiential Words
49:06 Invitational Language
51:26 Trauma awareness, and erring on the side of caution
51:35 Catering to a diversity of experience
54:00 What are the differences between teaching a group, or a 1 on 1 session?
56:51 The levels of listening/ Types of Questions
59:16 Would you recommend a shorter new client form?
1:02:15 How can you use language to keep a class on track?
1:03:07 People like people who are like themselves
1:05:03 Appreciating people’s different communication styles
1:09:02 Navigating tough questions – scope of practice and setting boundaries
1:13:26 Other communication challenges
1:14:02 Have a mentor
1:15:25 Take a breath
1:17:54 How do you find a mentor?
1:22:56 The importance of self care.
1:27:22 The four levels of competency
1:28:55 Lucy’s question.
1:31:45 Picks of the week