Episode 110
57 mins
Paul Denniston - Yoga, Grief & Covid
In this week’s episode we speak to Paul Denniston, the founder of Grief Yoga.
Paul is certified in Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Flow, Kundalini Yoga, Laughter Yoga, Restorative Yoga, and Let Your Yoga Dance. Paul’s intention with Grief Yoga is to combine wisdom from many different forms of yoga in order to help heal and navigate grief.
Paul volunteered for years at one of the largest Los Angeles hospices, where he offered Heart Touch massage to the dying. He teaches Grief Yoga to bereavement groups; cancer support centers; groups whose loved ones died by suicide; Alzheimer’s groups; healing after a breakup, divorce, or betrayal; and addiction groups.
After the turmoil of the past couple of years we were grateful to talk to Paul, as these practices feel more necessary than ever. We also wanted to speak with him about his new book “HEALING THROUGH YOGA: Transform Loss into Empowerment''. It’s a great read that contains some simple yet powerful practices. We hope you enjoy our conversation.
Website: https://griefyoga.com/
Healing Through Yoga - the book: https://www.pauldennistontraining.com/healing-through-yoga
Offering Tree: https://www.offeringtree.com/flowartists