Why Flow Artists?
The burning question on all of your lips just has to be: “Why do this podcast?”
Great question!
Well I’ve always been curious. An information junkie. I love podcasting as a form. The immediacy and the intimacy. At its best It’s almost as if you are listening in on a private conversation between experts. I’ve been wanting to start my own podcast for years, but the timing was never right, and I didn’t really have a topic I wanted to base it on.
A few months ago, I finished my Yoga Teacher Training. I still felt that there was much much more I needed to know! There is so much information out there, and sometimes it can almost lead to a form of paralysis, where you think “Hmmm one more training, and I’ll be ready to teach” or “I don’t know enough.” Fortunately my wife Jo has been a yoga teacher for over 10 years, and many of our friends are also full time yoga teachers. After talking to some of my teacher friends, particularly the ones that mentor other teachers, it seems that this feeling is universal.
So suddenly it seemed that I had a topic: What do you do once you have finished your teacher training, and still feel ill equipped to do the job? How do you establish yourself in an industry that is filling up with more teacher trainees nearly daily? How do we build a community of yoga teachers in a world and profession that can feel isolating? How can I learn more about the nitty-gritty of teaching yoga, details that might be glossed over in a 200 hour training?
We have only just begun this journey, but I feel very privileged to be able to sit with experienced teachers, and learn from their hard won experience. I’m also extremely honoured to meet with some of the elders of our community and learn what it was like to teach yoga when it was still fairly young in the west.
There is much more I want to cover in this podcast - I want to hear about different movement modalities, to learn more about consciousness and spirituality, and to delve into conversations about transformational technology, another deep interest of mine.
I don’t want to make it just about me and Jo though - we need your help! We would love it if this podcast could become the basis for a discussion, a conversation, so please send us your feedback or suggestions. Please share the podcast with your friends, and please let us know if there is someone you know who IS a Flow Artist and just has to be on the podcast!
I look forward to hearing from you all.