Support the Podcast

Hi folks, this is Rane - I co-host The Flow Artists Podcast with my amazing wife Jo Stewart.
Creating this podcast is a labour of love for us - we love being able to connect with some of our favourite teachers, authors and thinkers and asking them our most burning questions. We love the art of a smooth, flowing and informative conversation with great questions. We know that people get a lot of value out of these conversations, especially aspiring and new yoga teachers.
We have some goals with our Patreon - we use this money to pay for Shae of Podoggo to edit and produce each episode and to cover the costs of web hosting. This really helps us keep the podcast workload sustainable and we are grateful for your support.
Doing this podcast is a labour of love for us and with a little support from you, we can help reach a more diverse audience, and spend more time bringing you great, fun and informative content. Arohanui, Big Big Love, Rane and Jo
Support Us Via Patreon
Thanks to our Supporters
A heartfelt thank you from Rane and Jo for all your support!
- Anita DiCarlo
- Gina Macauley - YogaHara
- Guy and Kirrah Stewart
- Deborah Williams
- Nicole Blyth - Go Slow Yoga
- Polly McGee
- Gabrielle Boswell
- Adrian and Renee Wallace
- Ed and Ann Stewart
- Kanchana Rao
- Sheelagh Belton
- Lucy Karnani
- Janet Lowndes
- Cate Peterson